Wednesday, June 26, 2013

50 facts about me!

1. I hate the color pink. 
2. I love the color black. 
3. I love reptiles. 
4. I want a bearded dragon. 
5. I have three dogs. 
6. I'm pregnant. 
7. I was supposed to be born on June 16th but seeing as though I am independent, I waited till one day before Independence Day. 
8. I am TERRIFIED of spiders. 
9. I hate bugs.
10. I am absolutely terrified of octopus and squid to the point of fainting. 
11. I love to swim. 
12. I hate being cold. 
13. I work at a grocery store. 
14. I'm a manager. 
15. I hate peanut butter. The smell will make me vomit. 
16. I am very OCD.
17. I love animals. 
18. I want to open an animal shelter. 
19. My passion is makeup artistry.
20. I love doing graphic makeup like in the movies. 
21. I don't make friends easily. 
22. I have very few people in my life that I am close with but I am protective over the ones I am. 
23. I will go crazy if I see someone hurting an animal. 
24. I am a very shy, quiet person. 
25. I can be lazy. 
26. Nighttime is my favorite part of the day. 
27. I am a huge Alabama fan. It's pretty crazy. I love football season. 
28. I am pretty obsessed with hello kitty. 
29. I am an artist. 
30. I love Disney movies. I love watching them before I go to sleep. 
31. One time, I watched Lady and the Tramp 365 days, every night before I went to sleep. No lie. 
32. I get addicted to movies and watch them over and over again. 
33. I hate going to movie theaters.
34. I am a homebody for the most part but I do love to travel. 
35. I get car sick.
36. I love technology. 
37. I am terrified of becoming a mother. 
38. My boyfriend is Arabic. 
39. I've been in plenty of abusive relationships. You can walk away. 
40. My favorite food ever since I was a baby has been salad. 
41. I am terrified of criticism and failure. 
42. I love to own nice things but I do not like to use nice things. I'm afraid they will get ruined. =[ 
43. I am not a confident person.
44. I love to write poetry. 
45. I love to draw, paint, sketch, etc. 
46. I change things up quite a lot in my house. 
47. I hate where I live. 
48. I plan on moving to Ireland one day. 
49. I want to make YouTube videos but I am deathly afraid. 
50. I have quite an extensive makeup and perfume collection. 

BONUS!! I LOVE BOOKS! And reading. 

I hope you enjoyed this. 

Xoxo, Lyndz 

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