Wednesday, April 25, 2012

MAC Paint Pots

Hello everyone! Today I would like to review the four Mac Paint Pots that I own. The four that I own are Rubenesque, Genuine Treasure, Morning Frost, and Painterly.

I absolutely love Mac Paint Pots. They give a wonderful base to any eyeshadow. Three of the ones that I own are shimmery and one is matte. I really love Painterly for everyday eye makeup. It is matte and just evens out the skin tone of the eyelid. The other three are a wonderful base if you are going to an event or a night out with friends. Two of them, Genuine Treasure and Morning Frost were premiered in the winter collection of 2011 that Mac had so I am not sure if you can still purchase these off the site or not but the other two you can.

I hope this was an insightful blog post and if you own any of the Mac Paint Pots, let me know what you think about them in the comments below and what you own. I would love to hear your feedback.

Thanks again for supporting me,

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